Buy Quantum Dot Solar Cells: The Future For Quantum Communication
Buy Quantum Dot | Image Resource : Quantum Dot, a semiconductor whose crystals are nano-sized has already made a lot of impact in nanotechnology. In the case of solar cells, quantum dots are used as an absorbing photovoltaic material. Q dots are the focus of a new research field in rapid evolution, with the promise for applications in solar cells, transistors and lasers, all at high efficiency, among other things. The points have the advantage of having a bandwidth which can be adjusted by simply changing the size of the nanoparticles, so that they can be easily designed in way to take up different areas of solar spectrum. This makes them very attractive for multi-junction solar cells; you could use a series of quantum dots of different sizes next to each other to absorb different parts of the spectrum. Basically, it would significantly reduce the cost and complexity of manufacture of such cells. You can buy quantum dots from several vendo...