New Research In Bio Labelling Can Be Associated With Silica Nano Particles

Silica nanoparticles
Silica nanoparticles | Image Resource :

Most people without a scientific background do not know that silica is a common component of sand. It is hence one of the most abundant compound available freely in nature. It is very commonly used in making semi conductors. Silica shows variable current conducting properties depending on how much dopants are added to it.

One of the reasons we enjoy a fast paced life with phones, laptops and many more electronic gadgets is silica. It is the semiconductor that plays a role of connecting all the minute particles in the devices. Silica nanoparticles are the connecting dots in the miniature electronic driven industries of today.

Silica Nano Particles Act As Wonderful Catalysts In Many Major Chemical Reactions

The area of chemical manufacturing would not have existed if not for catalysts. Catalysts are agents which speed up reactions and sometimes chemical reactions which take years to stabilize happen over a few second with the help of catalysts.

One can imagine the amount of time, money and resources catalysts help save. Silica Nano particles are the most commonly used in many industries today. Another reason for its popularity is that is easily available in nature and is both cheap and effective. There is no dearth of the element running out.

Nano Particles Of Silica Make A World Of Difference In Tissue Engineering

Cells of any living organism have algorithms which they follow under different conditions. For example if a plant cell is exposed to light, it begins producing energy by consuming the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and give out oxygen. Similarly if an animal cell is attacked by an anti body then host cell defends itself. These properties of cells are discovered with the help of silica Nano particles.

Scientists have now found ways to change these algorithms using silica nano particles. These particles have helped find unique ways to cure diseases which were though incurable and hence are saving thousands of lives. Another area which is similar to above where the particles are used is cell observation.

The cells are injected with drugs and observed for reactions with the help of silica dyes. Each cell can be injected with different colours and the colour code can be recorded. The particles are also used in tissue engineering. Silica particles are very flexible and when solidified into different shaped objects, they can bend very easily.

This property is effectively made use of by doctors in making of artificial body parts. People who are war victims or accident victims find it a big help. Arms, legs and even ears and noses are manufactured using silica particles.

Some internal organs can also be made functional today and inserted into human bodies. People who do not find organ donors can make use of silica internal parts and there have been very few recorded disadvantages of this. The medical world has made significant progress thanks to silica nano particles and its numerous applications.


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