The Lubricating Properties of Hexagonal Boron Nitride

Hexagonal Boron Nitride
Hexagonal Boron Nitride | Image Resource :

For mechanical industries, lubricants are one of their major elements. Lubricants are needed in different sorts of machines, with the purpose to improve their performance. Hexagonal form of Boron Nitride is one such lubricant used in various industries. The chemical compound Boron nitride is made up of two elements- Boron and Nitrogen. The chemical formula of this compound is BN. Equal number of atoms is shared by the elements to make this compound.

The isoelectronic property of Boron Nitride is same as that of the structured carbon lattice. For this reason, BN exists in different crystalline forms, and one of them is the hexagonal form. Hexagonal Boron Nitride is quite similar to graphite, particularly in terms of softness and stability. For this reason, the hexagonal form of BN is a good lubricating agent. It is also used in cosmetic products.

Useful Information About Hexagonal Boron Nitride

As a matter of fact, compounds that are inert or non-reactive to salts and metals are considered better lubricants. Well, this lubricating property of Hexagonal Boron Nitride places it among the top options in the mechanical industry, particularly as an agent for mold release. The hexagonal structure of BN enhances the ability to hold and strength of the current powder composites.

In the present market, you will find different grades of the Hexagonal form of Boron Nitride. However, most of the Hexagonal Boron Nitride suppliers will offer you three options to choose from- Custom, Premium, and Standard. The size of these nano particles comes in the order of 10 nano meter.


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